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Friday, June 9, 2017


09JUN17 What does Paranormal mean to you? I'm supposed to be working on a paranormal short story for an anthology due out later this year. There's too many ideas though! Help!

'Paranormal' [defined as just outside of normal, can't be explained by today's science]  makes me think of Stephen King books like Firestarter or Pet Cemetery. Great books and movies. It also brought to mind the movie Escape to Witch Mountain (yes, I'm dating myself). Remember the harmonica that helped make things move? 

And lastly, because I'm trying to write a short story, I thought of a short story gem I read long ago for some class. It was called "The Enormous Radio" and was written by John Cheever. Great little tale about the unexpected turn of events that follows the radio getting fixed.

The Enormous Radio

So I have all this wealth to draw upon, you'd think it would be easy for me to come up with an idea for a paranormal short story. It's been terrible! There's too much to choose from. I kept throwing ideas around in my head and then thought of another great paranormal story: the Twilight Episode "Little Girl Lost". Great episode. 

But what could I add to a story like these? My first idea for a story like 'Little Girl Lost' would be to throw in some sort of time travel wrinkle to it. 

I've put the story on the back burner for now. I write fantasy for the most part, but I want this piece to be on the edge of fiction and nonfiction. Just on the other side of fiction. So 'almost true' that it makes you think it could happen.

Of course, now that I think about it, there was this article I read about one street over on the east side of the country where everyone up and left without any explanation. Cars and clothes still there. I bet I could write a paranormal story explaining why everyone left. 

The Eerie Abandoned Neighborhood of Lincoln Way

What does Paranormal mean to you? 

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