15 JUN 2018
There is a first time for everything. Yesterday it was me scrolling through the wonderland of Facebook and lo and behold what do my wandering eyes see? A picture of an anthology with five stories of mine in there! One I did not know was released! I headed over to Amazon and sure enough, the anthology was released a few months ago!
Here is the link, to the ebook version of the Seasons Anthology:
Seasons of Fantasy and Fear
The four seasonal stories from the Den of Quills are in there. Read and discover these following twisted tales:
The Legacy: A lovely winter's tale about a family of witches, a murder, and the return of the prodigal son
The Killing Parts: A mourning father figures out how to cheat death, but not without consequences
The Symbol and the Ring: A Crime Scene Investigator encounters an ancient evil in modern-day Los Angeles
Pawn: A chef-turned-thief tries to assassinate the queen. Turns out to be easier than he planned
And if that weren't enough, there is also a bonus story in this compilation too! A little romp about gorillas. There is also a new story from my wife Cheryl as well.
There is also a paperback version, over 400 pages of wonderful short stories of all types. Go get both!
Picture for today: I don't write flowery words, but I do enjoy them. Here is a beautiful quote from Kahlil Gibran:
My writing blog, covering pretty much anything and everything I am interested in.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
New Time Capsule Story Went Awry!
13 June 2018
I started working on a new story today. It was supposed to be an adaptation of a time capsule 'story' I wrote and sent in to an editor. The original assignment was for a list of items in a time capsule, with the backstory behind each item. Who put them in there, why did they pick those items, etc...The inspiration was a MASH episode with a time capsule in it. The way the piece was supposed to work was that another writer would take my time capsule items and write a story set around the time capsule being found and what happens as a result.
The second part of the assignment was never done, so I pulled back my submission and decided I would try and write the story of the time capsule being found and what it meant to those who found it. But my brain...uh, my brain did not cooperate.
So, my latest story released has a main character called Black Char. I thought it would be great to have him in this piece as well. He's an explorer, so maybe he finds the time capsule somewhere as he is exploring. Sounds doable, right?
I sat down to write, and the first item in the time capsule threw me off a bit. I don't want to share what that item is, but it is a little extreme. I thought it would be a good thing to exaggerate the intensity and have the time capsule be found by someone young. Not Black Char then. Maybe his child? I could set the story a bit farther in the timeline. And then I thought it could be at the same time as the other story, which means having something to do Black Char or the other characters in the last story. And something clicked...
I started to write a story about Tarver the Magus and Murg. It flowed out, not fast, but well. Then I started to switch the tense and rewrite again. And then I deleted some of what I wrote and switched it to more showing than telling. The writing got better.
I'm still working on it, but I feel good about how it is going so far. I don't know where this story will end up, in fact it hasn't even touched upon anything in the time capsule piece. But I can see the way forward for it to be incorporated smoothly.
We'll see what happens over the next few weeks. Summer is my time to be productive when it comes to writing. Wish me luck.
Picture for today:
Has nothing to do with my story I'm working on. I like it though.
I started working on a new story today. It was supposed to be an adaptation of a time capsule 'story' I wrote and sent in to an editor. The original assignment was for a list of items in a time capsule, with the backstory behind each item. Who put them in there, why did they pick those items, etc...The inspiration was a MASH episode with a time capsule in it. The way the piece was supposed to work was that another writer would take my time capsule items and write a story set around the time capsule being found and what happens as a result.
The second part of the assignment was never done, so I pulled back my submission and decided I would try and write the story of the time capsule being found and what it meant to those who found it. But my brain...uh, my brain did not cooperate.
So, my latest story released has a main character called Black Char. I thought it would be great to have him in this piece as well. He's an explorer, so maybe he finds the time capsule somewhere as he is exploring. Sounds doable, right?
I sat down to write, and the first item in the time capsule threw me off a bit. I don't want to share what that item is, but it is a little extreme. I thought it would be a good thing to exaggerate the intensity and have the time capsule be found by someone young. Not Black Char then. Maybe his child? I could set the story a bit farther in the timeline. And then I thought it could be at the same time as the other story, which means having something to do Black Char or the other characters in the last story. And something clicked...
I started to write a story about Tarver the Magus and Murg. It flowed out, not fast, but well. Then I started to switch the tense and rewrite again. And then I deleted some of what I wrote and switched it to more showing than telling. The writing got better.
I'm still working on it, but I feel good about how it is going so far. I don't know where this story will end up, in fact it hasn't even touched upon anything in the time capsule piece. But I can see the way forward for it to be incorporated smoothly.
We'll see what happens over the next few weeks. Summer is my time to be productive when it comes to writing. Wish me luck.
Picture for today:
Has nothing to do with my story I'm working on. I like it though.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Lights and Shadows II
07 JUNE 2018
Today's post is in response to a writing prompt over at:
Stephanie Ayers website - Master Class
It is also a continuation of a piece I wrote based on another prompt from the same webpage. Writing is good when it works out like that! This story has so much potential I decided to keep writing it and see where it takes me. So here it is in its entirety, so you don't have to go back to my other post to read the whole thing. For the sake of this week's prompt, the today's writing starts at the "No!" and the blinding burst of light about 3/4's of the way in.
An Adumbrance Betwixt the Light and the Dark
In a ghostly realm where shadows are formidable, and arguing influences of light and dark constantly dance, a beam of brilliance pierced through the ever-present cloud cover and hit the granite ground, which sizzled at the intense touch. The ghoulish patches of cropped grass wilted and burned. Nearby things of black and gray fled, yelping and howling as they galloped, dug, slithered and flew away from the harshness. One wrapped herself in darkness and joined the protective shadow of a nearby outcropping. Gray farseers atop the nearby hills emplaced tinted lenses on their orbs and analyzed this new phenomenon. They witnessed a man striding down the beam, perambulating toward the surface. The stranger was light of everything -clothes, skin, hair, eyes. An alabaster masterpiece. He even glowed slightly, though whether the light was from the man or the beam on which he strode was a matter of debate among the seers. Whichever the case, he was blinding to gaze at.
A sudden eclipse occurred as a large, blind, flying Thing encountered the beam of light and both were extinguished. The man fell the remaining distance to the surface, a tumbling star, as the realm returned to twilight.
He pulsed on the ground, looking to all who saw as if he were an immense lightning bug, a beacon winking away in search of a mate. To all who could not see his light, his presence was warm and intriguing. Small points of light floated on a current of air in his direction.
He heard scuttling noises in the dark as he groaned and tried to sit up.
Silvery threads shot out from the surrounding landscape. A pair of large black spiders came into view from inky pools of shadow and crisscrossed hunting webs over his prone form, seeking to wrap him up in their stickiness.
The light stranger struggled to burn the webbing but could not keep up with the threads. He was soon tied up on the hard ground. The nightmarish spiders advanced, their mandibles making audible clacking noises.
Another piece of darkness, about the size of a person, broke away from the blackest shadows of a nearby outcropping of rock. It was a woman, dressed in draping fabrics of various grays. She clicked and clacked, drawing the attention of the spiders. She threw up her arms and spread wide her cloak, which expanded to a great size and rippled with lights and darks like the ground under a leafy tree that shakes in the gusts of a hot summer day.
The spiders clicked and clacked. Then they turned and scurried away in search of easier prey.
The dark stranger dropped her cloak and approached the light being from the sky.
He had almost freed himself from the tangle of spiderwebs. His clothes however, were stained with their substance. His right leg was also noticeably dimmer than the rest of him. And when he finally rose, he stood with a jerk and an awkward hop. The stranger stood there, looking at her as he picked and pulled at the remaining webbing. He seemed unafraid.
She shielded her eyes with a hand. “Dim yourself, sir. There are many here who feed on brilliance, as you almost found out first-hand.”
He concentrated and looked down at his outstretched hands. His emanations waned. Raising his gaze to the clouds for a second, he then returned her look. “Who are you?”
“I am called Chia. Chia de Ross-curo.”
“I am Epifanio Sea el’O. I have come to learn the secrets of darkness.”
Chia glanced around at the landscape, feeling many eyes upon the pair of them. She shook her head. He was still too bright.
Squinting, she thought. “I cannot hide you, even within my umbra. You emanate much, Bright One. Follow me, mayhap we can sequester over yonder.” She pointed to the left.
He saw nothing and said as much.
“Your light blinds you.”
“The Light is my life! I cannot reduce it any further. To do so would be to risk my death!”
“To not is to risk both our lives.” She raised an arm and covered him with a portion of her expansive cloak.
Instead of blocking his view, Epifanio was astonished at the clarity with which he now saw their surroundings. Despite lighter and darker sections, it was as if the cloth removed a haze from across his eyes. Most objects in view were also outlined in a halo or some sort of colored glow. Their destination was obvious now: a small stone structure near the shore of an inkjet lake. He tried to look closer but the image shook and blurred in and out of focus.
He uncovered himself from the voluminous cloak. Standing as best he could with his injured leg, he proudly proclaimed, “Why adumbrate when I can elucidate?” He folded his hands across his chest and unleashed a flood of light from his body as he uncrossed them. The entire valley was bathed with light.
“NO!” she screamed.

The ground shook beneath their feet. She threw her cloak around them both and pulled him down to the ground, but his light still shone like spotlights through the translucent portions of her garment.
“Have you no sense? You’re sending out a dinner bell!”
Through the patchwork fabric of her cloak, Chia scanned the surroundings. “Look!” a swarm of small, black winged creatures appeared from out of the cloud cover. These creatures spun in lazy circles and figure eights, eating the light as they flew lower and lower, following it to the source. Him.
“Light gliders!” she hissed.
“They seem harmless enough,” he said.
“Turn your light off, Stranger! It’s not the gliders I’m worried about, but what eats their succulent flesh.”
“My name is-” Epifanio paused as clouds of dust rose on a hillside to the west as an avalanche of gray rocks and boulders crashed down. Rumbling noises reached them a few moments later, drowning out the rest of his words as he spoke again.
Epifanio dimmed his light. “So much activity! I knew things moved in the darkness, but I had no-” he stopped and stared again at the falling hillside. Defying logic, the rocks and boulders continued rolling after they reached the flat valley floor. The rocks were rolling toward them!
“By the Stars Above and Below! See what your light has awoken?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “My people tell stories of Hell Below. A place void of light, so nothing sparkles, nothing shines. The darkness rules all and hides beauty from sight. I thought nothing could be worse than that. But this place, this place that attacks and devours the light of life. This must truly be hell.”
“We can debate theology later. Come!” She unwrapped them from the folds of her cloak and grabbed his arm.
Her charcoal skin seemed like a blasphemy against his alabaster flesh. “How dare you!” He tried to jerk his arm back but his leg betrayed him and he stumbled toward her.
Inches from his face, she whispered savagely, “I’ll dare more if you don’t come willingly. You’re risking my life now as well as yours. Now let’s go!”
She pulled him in the direction of the ruins by the ebony lake. The rocks from the avalanche were on the far side, still tumbling toward them.
Limping along as best as he could Epifanio struggled to keep up. The noise from the tumbling rocks grew louder. It was hard for him to tell, but it looked like the rocks would reach the ruins before them!
“We’re not going to make it,” he said to Chia.
“We’ll make it!”
“The crushing rocks are almost there already!” he said, pointing to the ruins.
“We are not going there. We are headed to the lake! We’ll make it!”
“The lake?” Epifanio trembled at the thought and fell down. A lake of inky black. It roiled and burbled. What did its impenetrable surface hide? True fear froze him, a being of the upper air and light. There was no way he would go willingly into that substance.
“Get up!”
“I cannot. I will not go into that…that, whatever it is!”
“The Grinders will pulp you and devour your light! Let’s go!”
Blasts from ahead signaled the arrival of the rolling rocks at the ruins. They hardly slowed down. A few seconds more and the Grinders, as Chia called them, would be upon them. As close as they were, Epifanio could see that the rocks had openings upon their surfaces.
With a strength born of fear, Chia managed to drag the unwilling Epifanio to the edge of the lake. She pushed him in.
Without a sound or splash, Chia disappeared beneath the surface of the ebony lake. But for Epifanio it was a totally different story. For him the fluid was thick and unwilling. As moments ticked he slowly sank, his screams drowned out by the sound of crushing rocks rolling around the sides of the lake, coming around for him. How would he die? Battered to a pulp by the coming avalanche of sentient rocks, or drowned in a lake of black treacle?
He felt a jerk from underwater. Something was tugging at his legs. He tried to scream louder. He shouted with all of his being and all of the light left in him. It seemed as if a star exploded into being on the surface of the midnight lake, the countryside for miles brighter than it had ever been. Terror pushed Epifanio to his limit and then beyond...
Today's post is in response to a writing prompt over at:
Stephanie Ayers website - Master Class
It is also a continuation of a piece I wrote based on another prompt from the same webpage. Writing is good when it works out like that! This story has so much potential I decided to keep writing it and see where it takes me. So here it is in its entirety, so you don't have to go back to my other post to read the whole thing. For the sake of this week's prompt, the today's writing starts at the "No!" and the blinding burst of light about 3/4's of the way in.
An Adumbrance Betwixt the Light and the Dark
In a ghostly realm where shadows are formidable, and arguing influences of light and dark constantly dance, a beam of brilliance pierced through the ever-present cloud cover and hit the granite ground, which sizzled at the intense touch. The ghoulish patches of cropped grass wilted and burned. Nearby things of black and gray fled, yelping and howling as they galloped, dug, slithered and flew away from the harshness. One wrapped herself in darkness and joined the protective shadow of a nearby outcropping. Gray farseers atop the nearby hills emplaced tinted lenses on their orbs and analyzed this new phenomenon. They witnessed a man striding down the beam, perambulating toward the surface. The stranger was light of everything -clothes, skin, hair, eyes. An alabaster masterpiece. He even glowed slightly, though whether the light was from the man or the beam on which he strode was a matter of debate among the seers. Whichever the case, he was blinding to gaze at.
A sudden eclipse occurred as a large, blind, flying Thing encountered the beam of light and both were extinguished. The man fell the remaining distance to the surface, a tumbling star, as the realm returned to twilight.
He pulsed on the ground, looking to all who saw as if he were an immense lightning bug, a beacon winking away in search of a mate. To all who could not see his light, his presence was warm and intriguing. Small points of light floated on a current of air in his direction.
He heard scuttling noises in the dark as he groaned and tried to sit up.
Silvery threads shot out from the surrounding landscape. A pair of large black spiders came into view from inky pools of shadow and crisscrossed hunting webs over his prone form, seeking to wrap him up in their stickiness.
The light stranger struggled to burn the webbing but could not keep up with the threads. He was soon tied up on the hard ground. The nightmarish spiders advanced, their mandibles making audible clacking noises.
Another piece of darkness, about the size of a person, broke away from the blackest shadows of a nearby outcropping of rock. It was a woman, dressed in draping fabrics of various grays. She clicked and clacked, drawing the attention of the spiders. She threw up her arms and spread wide her cloak, which expanded to a great size and rippled with lights and darks like the ground under a leafy tree that shakes in the gusts of a hot summer day.
The spiders clicked and clacked. Then they turned and scurried away in search of easier prey.
The dark stranger dropped her cloak and approached the light being from the sky.
He had almost freed himself from the tangle of spiderwebs. His clothes however, were stained with their substance. His right leg was also noticeably dimmer than the rest of him. And when he finally rose, he stood with a jerk and an awkward hop. The stranger stood there, looking at her as he picked and pulled at the remaining webbing. He seemed unafraid.
She shielded her eyes with a hand. “Dim yourself, sir. There are many here who feed on brilliance, as you almost found out first-hand.”
He concentrated and looked down at his outstretched hands. His emanations waned. Raising his gaze to the clouds for a second, he then returned her look. “Who are you?”
“I am called Chia. Chia de Ross-curo.”
“I am Epifanio Sea el’O. I have come to learn the secrets of darkness.”
Chia glanced around at the landscape, feeling many eyes upon the pair of them. She shook her head. He was still too bright.
Squinting, she thought. “I cannot hide you, even within my umbra. You emanate much, Bright One. Follow me, mayhap we can sequester over yonder.” She pointed to the left.
He saw nothing and said as much.
“Your light blinds you.”
“The Light is my life! I cannot reduce it any further. To do so would be to risk my death!”
“To not is to risk both our lives.” She raised an arm and covered him with a portion of her expansive cloak.
Instead of blocking his view, Epifanio was astonished at the clarity with which he now saw their surroundings. Despite lighter and darker sections, it was as if the cloth removed a haze from across his eyes. Most objects in view were also outlined in a halo or some sort of colored glow. Their destination was obvious now: a small stone structure near the shore of an inkjet lake. He tried to look closer but the image shook and blurred in and out of focus.
He uncovered himself from the voluminous cloak. Standing as best he could with his injured leg, he proudly proclaimed, “Why adumbrate when I can elucidate?” He folded his hands across his chest and unleashed a flood of light from his body as he uncrossed them. The entire valley was bathed with light.
“NO!” she screamed.

The ground shook beneath their feet. She threw her cloak around them both and pulled him down to the ground, but his light still shone like spotlights through the translucent portions of her garment.
“Have you no sense? You’re sending out a dinner bell!”
Through the patchwork fabric of her cloak, Chia scanned the surroundings. “Look!” a swarm of small, black winged creatures appeared from out of the cloud cover. These creatures spun in lazy circles and figure eights, eating the light as they flew lower and lower, following it to the source. Him.
“Light gliders!” she hissed.
“They seem harmless enough,” he said.
“Turn your light off, Stranger! It’s not the gliders I’m worried about, but what eats their succulent flesh.”
“My name is-” Epifanio paused as clouds of dust rose on a hillside to the west as an avalanche of gray rocks and boulders crashed down. Rumbling noises reached them a few moments later, drowning out the rest of his words as he spoke again.
Epifanio dimmed his light. “So much activity! I knew things moved in the darkness, but I had no-” he stopped and stared again at the falling hillside. Defying logic, the rocks and boulders continued rolling after they reached the flat valley floor. The rocks were rolling toward them!
“By the Stars Above and Below! See what your light has awoken?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “My people tell stories of Hell Below. A place void of light, so nothing sparkles, nothing shines. The darkness rules all and hides beauty from sight. I thought nothing could be worse than that. But this place, this place that attacks and devours the light of life. This must truly be hell.”
“We can debate theology later. Come!” She unwrapped them from the folds of her cloak and grabbed his arm.
Her charcoal skin seemed like a blasphemy against his alabaster flesh. “How dare you!” He tried to jerk his arm back but his leg betrayed him and he stumbled toward her.
Inches from his face, she whispered savagely, “I’ll dare more if you don’t come willingly. You’re risking my life now as well as yours. Now let’s go!”
She pulled him in the direction of the ruins by the ebony lake. The rocks from the avalanche were on the far side, still tumbling toward them.
Limping along as best as he could Epifanio struggled to keep up. The noise from the tumbling rocks grew louder. It was hard for him to tell, but it looked like the rocks would reach the ruins before them!
“We’re not going to make it,” he said to Chia.
“We’ll make it!”
“The crushing rocks are almost there already!” he said, pointing to the ruins.
“We are not going there. We are headed to the lake! We’ll make it!”
“The lake?” Epifanio trembled at the thought and fell down. A lake of inky black. It roiled and burbled. What did its impenetrable surface hide? True fear froze him, a being of the upper air and light. There was no way he would go willingly into that substance.
“Get up!”
“I cannot. I will not go into that…that, whatever it is!”
“The Grinders will pulp you and devour your light! Let’s go!”
Blasts from ahead signaled the arrival of the rolling rocks at the ruins. They hardly slowed down. A few seconds more and the Grinders, as Chia called them, would be upon them. As close as they were, Epifanio could see that the rocks had openings upon their surfaces.
With a strength born of fear, Chia managed to drag the unwilling Epifanio to the edge of the lake. She pushed him in.
Without a sound or splash, Chia disappeared beneath the surface of the ebony lake. But for Epifanio it was a totally different story. For him the fluid was thick and unwilling. As moments ticked he slowly sank, his screams drowned out by the sound of crushing rocks rolling around the sides of the lake, coming around for him. How would he die? Battered to a pulp by the coming avalanche of sentient rocks, or drowned in a lake of black treacle?
He felt a jerk from underwater. Something was tugging at his legs. He tried to scream louder. He shouted with all of his being and all of the light left in him. It seemed as if a star exploded into being on the surface of the midnight lake, the countryside for miles brighter than it had ever been. Terror pushed Epifanio to his limit and then beyond...
Epifanio’s light went out.
Picture for today: Although it has nothing to do with the story above, it does convey a battle between the dark and the light.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Black Char
05 JUNE 2018
Yesterday was a very productive day! I released my second short story out into the wild. Black Char & the Crystal Caves is available! The working title was It's a Trap. I decided to change the main title and keep It's a Trap as the subtitle. My thinking was that It's a Trap sounds too Star Wars-y and I might use Black Char in other stories, so let's go ahead and make him the star of the show. He is the protagonist after all.
What are you waiting for? Go get it! It's free if you have Kindle unlimited, less than a buck if you want the ebook version and only 3.99 for a printed copy, which will make my mother happy.
Links to the versions:
eBook version
Paperback version
My mother wants to hold the book in her hands, though in this case I'm not sure how rewarding that will be since the book is only 38 pages or so.
This is my first foray into actually designing a physical book. If you buy the paperback let me know what it looks like! Thirty-eight pages long. lol. I thought about adding in other short stories I've done, but I think the next time I make a physical book will be the short story collection, so that will be long enough. Thirteen stories planned for that. It's sitting at a good book length already.
For those interested, I'm going to share a few lessons learned from designing the paperback soon in another post.
Time for a picture and a Dad joke. Joke first:
Q: If you're American when you go into the bathroom, and you're American when you come out of the bathroom, then what are you in the bathroom?
A: European!
My youngest son groaned at that one. :)
And the picture for today: The Seer by Michael Bohbot. Nothing to do with Black Char & the Crystal Caves [go get it!], though it would work as semi-inspiration for one of the women in the story.
Yesterday was a very productive day! I released my second short story out into the wild. Black Char & the Crystal Caves is available! The working title was It's a Trap. I decided to change the main title and keep It's a Trap as the subtitle. My thinking was that It's a Trap sounds too Star Wars-y and I might use Black Char in other stories, so let's go ahead and make him the star of the show. He is the protagonist after all.
What are you waiting for? Go get it! It's free if you have Kindle unlimited, less than a buck if you want the ebook version and only 3.99 for a printed copy, which will make my mother happy.
Links to the versions:
eBook version
Paperback version
My mother wants to hold the book in her hands, though in this case I'm not sure how rewarding that will be since the book is only 38 pages or so.
This is my first foray into actually designing a physical book. If you buy the paperback let me know what it looks like! Thirty-eight pages long. lol. I thought about adding in other short stories I've done, but I think the next time I make a physical book will be the short story collection, so that will be long enough. Thirteen stories planned for that. It's sitting at a good book length already.
For those interested, I'm going to share a few lessons learned from designing the paperback soon in another post.
Time for a picture and a Dad joke. Joke first:
Q: If you're American when you go into the bathroom, and you're American when you come out of the bathroom, then what are you in the bathroom?
A: European!
My youngest son groaned at that one. :)
And the picture for today: The Seer by Michael Bohbot. Nothing to do with Black Char & the Crystal Caves [go get it!], though it would work as semi-inspiration for one of the women in the story.
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