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Saturday, September 14, 2024


Glorantha & Ducks

Sorry for the long delay in posting, been working on ducks. Now now, before you run off in boredom, these aren't your average ducks. They're role-playing ducks! Still bored? Okay, well then I would suggest you just run along because it's going to get pretty duck-heavy in these here parts.

So I do editing for a bunch of fine folks, mostly games, but not all. Drew and Neil are two gentlemen behind numerous game supplements for use in the Glorantha setting from Chaosium. The most recent release is Book 4, Volume 1 in their Duckpac series. 

I contributed so much to this manuscript they decided to list me as one of the authors! How cool is that? But they really do deserve all the credit. I just polish their genius so it shines like a diamond. If diamonds shined. Which they don't. But that's neither here nor there. Sorry, the science teacher in me came out for a second. But if you've read this far and are still interested, go grab a copy, either pdf or the good ole-fashioned paper stuff. 

Link: Duckpac Book 4, Volume 1

More about what it contains in the next post!

Maybe one more thing. I am trying to step up my online game and thus have created a simple logo for this blog. And here it is!

And even a little moving one!

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